nfortunately,argumentsbetween designers and artistsoftendevolveintoshoutingand screaming.Oncebattle lines are formed andbattleflags are raised, meaningful conversationbecomesdifficul

Why are designers so convinced that design cannot be art?Whyareart and designatoddswitheachother?

Artanddesignaremost often usedinvisual communication.Eveninthecreativecommunity,thetwoaresocloselyrelatedthatpeopleoftenask the question:isdesign artor is design art?Inthisarticle,youwilllearnwhetherart and design are the same thingand,if not, what distinguishes them. Wewillalsodiscussthe similarities and distinctions between art and design,andwhythetwoarenotconsideredinterchangeable.

Definitionof Art

The expression and use of creative ability and imagination are frequent definitions of art.Althoughthereare seven basic types of art,when comparing artanddesignwe focusonlyon the creative visual artssuchaspainting, photography,andsculpture.Thepurposeofcreatingtheseworksofartistocreatesomethingthatcanbeenjoyedsolelyforitsbeautyandemotionalimpact. Theartist’sgoalis tocreatesomething thatcommunicateshisor herthoughts, feelings,andvision. Beauty, emotional impact,andphilosophical concepts are translated intotangibleexpressionthrough art,using imagination and technical skill. The concept of art is open-ended, hotly contested, andinherentlyinclusive.

Perceptionsandunderstandingsof artarehighlysubjective, and what one personconsidersart may not be viewedthe samewayby another. Rarely is thereagreement on what defines art, and over time, people’s ideas of what art is have evolved.

Definitionof Design

Design isasetofstrategiesorguidelines forcreatinga product, system, activity, or process.Plans,prototypes,products,andprocessesare the endproductof the design process. The design approach is alwaysuser-centered.Designaimsto solve problems for people, systems, orconcreteobjects.Designis involved in almostevery aspect of ourdailylives.Designisusedin publishing, advertising, video games, video game interfaces, fashion, interior design, and manyother businesses.

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